Walking You Through The GiveEasy Platform

In this module we show you where everything is located in the GiveEasy platform as well as the key things you can do within these areas.


In this lesson we take you through the GiveEasy platform dashboard and all the key information that is displayed here.

In this lesson we take you through the My Givings pages and showcase all the key donation information that is displayed here and data management functions that are available.

In this lesson we take you through the GiveEasy SMS platform and all the relevant information and functions you need to know within this platform.

In this lesson we take you through the Manage Appeals page and all the key information and functions you need to know on this page.

In this lesson we take you through the Manage Thank You Pages page and all the key information and functions you need to know on this page.

In this lesson we take you through the My Email Receipts pages and all the key information and functions you need to know on these pages.

In this lesson we take you through the My Account pages including account setting, payments and payouts.