Platform How Tos & Tutorials  |   How To Create An Email Receipt

How To Create An Email Receipt

All donation pages with GiveEasy come with a default thank you page and receipt. However, you can create your own donation email receipt by following the below steps:

  1. 1
    Log in to the GiveEasy platform and navigate to My Email Receipts > Manage Email Receipts
  2. 2
    Click the “Create New Receipt” button. 
Create New Email Receipt
  1. 3
    Enter the name you want to call your new email receipt and click create
  2. 4
    You will then be taken through to the email receipt editor where you can edit your email receipt content.
Email Receipt Editor

You can also create a new receipt by duplicating off an existing email receipt. To do this simply click the duplicate button as seen below on the receipt you wish to duplicate. 

Duplicate Email Receipt